Hello there!I will design a printable sticker of your character, pet, favorite anime or cartoon character, or whatever object you'd want a sticker for!
I will:
- Come up with the concept of the sticker, and illustrate it
- Communicate with you for you to get the best output from this experience
The stickers:
- Size may vary according to tier
- Basic tier will have a range of a 1x1 inch sticker up to a 2.5x2.5 inch sticker (flexible dimensions) and will be have a more simple subject and design (minimal detail; eg. plants, objects, typography, stylized/chibi person-bust only)
- Standard tier will have a range of 1x1 inch sticker up to a 4x4 inch sticker (flexible dimensions) and will have a more complicated subject, designed into a simplistic style/poses (e.g. animals, half bodies, structures, etc)
- Premium tier will have a range of 1x1 inch sticker up to a 6x6 inch sticker (flexible dimensions) and may have a complicated or simple subject, that will be illustrated in a semi-realistic art style. The parameters to this tier will be a bit more loose.
- The designs will be sent in a high resolution 400 dpi png/jpeg file, and the source material will be sent in a .psd file type.
: : : : :
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